How Much Does Kybella Cost?

Are you considering Kybella but wonder how much you can expect to pay?  Kybella is a simple injectable treatment that can dissolve your double chin and create a tighter, more contoured profile.  But how much does Kybella cost?  Knowing the cost of Kybella will help you make an informed decision regarding treatment.

How Does Kybella work?

Kybella is an FDA approved treatment for reducing submental fat, which is fat below the chin.

Deoxycholic acid is the active ingredient in Kybella.  It is a naturally occurring enzyme in the body that helps with the break down and absorption of dietary fat. 

When Kybella is injected into the subcutaneous fat below the chin it destroys the fat cells.  The treated fat cells are naturally flushed from the body over the following weeks, resulting in a slimmer chin and more defined profile.  

How Much Does Kybella Cost?

The cost of Kybella ranges from $1,200-$1,800.  Since Kybella is a customizable treatment, the price won’t be the same for every patient.  The extent of treatment will depend on the severity of the submental fat.

Factors That Affect The Cost Of Kybella

The final price for Kybella can be influenced by several factors including the number of treatments required, the skill and experience of the provider, and the geographic location.

Number of Treatments

The number of treatments needed is the primary factor that affects the cost of Kybella.   Although treatment goals vary, most people need an average of 2-4 Kybella treatments to achieve the desired aesthetic outcome.

Skill And Experience Of The Provider

Trained, experienced Kybella providers generally charge more for their expertise.    For optimal results, Kybella should only be administered by a trained medical professional.

Geographic Location

The cost of Kybella varies depending on where you live due to regional differences in prices. 

If you are ready to banish that double chin and improve your profile without surgery, Kybella may be the ideal treatment for you.

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