How Can I Remove Neck Fat Non-Surgically?

Have diet and exercise failed to give you the lean jawline you long for?  If yes, and you don’t want to undergo surgery, you may be interested in finding out how to remove neck fat non-surgically.  Unwanted neck fat is an annoying problem that may be related to aging, weight gain, or genetics.

How Can I Remove Neck Fat Non-Surgically?

You can remove neck fat non-surgically with Kybella.  Kybella is an excellent option for reducing neck fat, because it is a completely non-invasive treatment that does not require general anesthesia or incisions. 

What is Kybella treatment for neck fat?

Kybella is a non-surgical injectable treatment that is FDA approved for treating fat under the chin.  Kybella is a synthetic form of deoxycholic acid, which is a substance that is naturally produced by the body, and helps metabolize dietary fat. 

Kybella is injected directly into the neck fat, and destroys the membrane of the fat cells.  It dissolves the fat permanently, so results are long-lasting.  Treatment involves a series of injections into the sites marked on a grid below the chin. It typically requires multiple Kybella sessions to get optimal results.  Kybella treatments are administered 1 month apart.

What to expect after treatment

Most patients experience some bruising and swelling after Kybella, but this usually resolves within 2-14 days.

When will I see results with Kybella?

Patients may notice some improvement about 3 weeks after treatment, but final results can take up to 6 months.

Are you ready to get rid of stubborn neck fat?  Search our directory to find a practice in your area.

If you are in the Long Beach, CA area, Laser Skin Care Center Dermatology Associates is our featured practice.

You can reach them at, or by calling (562) 280-2071.

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